Sunday, November 18, 2007


The Goal:

To arouse 1,000,000 MINDS to fuel into their

MORE by adding the PLENTY of BEN FRANKLIN, Napoleon Hill

and Ernest Holmes into their LIVES


"what you give away you always get to keep."

Technique? Loverage--->> Sow. Share. Harvest.


we are NOT the 12 step program. We are Million Mind March

we are NOT Scientology. WE are Million Mind March

we are NOT EST. We are Million Mind March

we are NOT sunday CHURCH. We are our own LIGHTS into 10,000

we are NOT an MLM. We transecened HUSTLE and landed on grace.

we are NOT seeking possession of anyone. We are only a STEP.

we are NOT a GIFTING program. We don't ASK for money. (donations)

we are NOT a 1-up or 2 up. WE do not earn at the expense of others.

WE are an inspiration REVIVAL show fueled by reciprocity

WE are UN-COMMON with nothing to compare us to.

We FREE demonstrate our PRODUCT nightly 9:27 PM (est)

(A) Get your FRIENDS at minimum into BEN FRANKLIN

(B) Our CULTURE will master-mind into them NIGHTLY @ 9:27 PM

(C) NO struggle. Only I AM and be the SUN (light) of GOD


Chaos to Cash + WARRIORS + $1,341 THEATRE

Sell the environment and allow the FEELINGS to

center their FOCUS

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

MON + TUES + WED + THURS @ 9:27 PM (est)

DAYTIME calls at 2:03 PM (est) WED + FRI

I cater to the CONVICTED

those CONVICTED in SELF, who wield their I AM flagerantly

are the chosen who the I AM of self called FLY will cater


================================= DISREGARD

THOSE who failed to me meet me at my BEST

THOSE who failed to $1,341 through FAITH

THOSE who said, "Nah, too much money."

THAT GROUP of nay-sayers will not WITNESS my REVIVAL

through NOVEMBER as I SOLDIER more plenty through


what you do to me

I will do TO you

deny me, I will deny you

"But Joe, where is your LOVERAGE"


My MIND, live, is reserved for THOSE who are CONVICTED

I seek not swine. I seek the COW MAN of little faith

I seek ONLY the ones of ABSOLUTE FAITH

Step 1: Wash.

Step 2: Rinse

Step 3: Repeat


I am in order to evolve into my SELF who wants everyone

to be some ONE for some BODY where everyone ELSE can

be their highest SELF for the good of ALL, so THEY say

I am a LAW unto SELF ---under HE Jesus who made thou art

My name is I AM who some refer to as JOE or BIG FISH

I am trash and mostly WHITE anglo without YOU Lord Jesus


the ANGLO from Ledgewood who THEY said wasn't all that

who made a program of THOUGHT in order to particpate in more joe

I am the Minsiter of MORE and the Preacher of Plenty

Miracles DO happen / Ignorance takes it away

INVENTORY your seeds / not your seeds

Give until you can't give any more,

When they show up, watch them pay

USE the SUPPLY of OTHER (selves) to amass more life

and let it all it all be equal to all of your deeds

some will stray and many will abort, which in the end, is

exactly how HE that IS said the chips would lay

And in the end when the game at School House earth

is almost done, he who shared the MOST will be the talk of the day

that, is how HE keeps score.

with that, everyone bowed their heads and said


the Amen series of Increase from the land of CAN-DO.

thank you . You honor me with your time.

Me (Julie)

Strength and Honor


262 510-0086

Brain Trust

Wolf Pack Prep


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur at 9:27 PM (est)


Wed and Fri 2:00 (est)

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#


Will You Dial this Number?

1-800-772-9781 EXT 44

(is your business worth 5 minutes?)

What you PLANT into your PRESENT hops into your future

Or you could say, "What you give away you always get to keep."

The #1 UNIVERSAL key and #1 method of INCREASE is for pepole to LINE UP to buy

whatever you sell and/or to have STRANGERS enter your life to ADD unto you.

THAT can be manifested by the simply act of giving.

Give / sow / share / reap.

In order to get more GET value all you do is give more GIVE value. That's easy.

BLACK (the black bead) represents sleep / darkness.

TRAIN your subconscious to work for you 24/7.

By adding THE ATTRACTION MECHANISM into your life OTHER people are

working WHILE you sleep to help and to assist you.

Never forget this dear Sage, what you PRESS into your concousness, falls

into your subconscious.

Or you could say, "Whatever leaves your LIPS falls into your hands."

Or you could TWIST that and say, "you can't speak poverty and expect

plenty to appear in your hands."

I especially like, "watch what you say. Your subconscious is listening."

--- USE your prosperity wand

EXPLAIN it to know one.

Be a "YES-YES" person. Be AWARE of your "hose."

PLANT your heart into other people. I have. It works.

PLANT increase in 20 people and two

(2) ABSOLUTE strangers will come into your life and plant themselves

UNDER your desire.


Because what you (DO) to other people God does to you.

always and forever,

THE MILLION MIND MARCH (M-3) / Get Ten people you adore on this system.

WE TEACH the ultimate #1 ATTRACTION system world wide.

Glad you are here.

Our program is people.

We sell a duplicatable system

Earn money feeling good.

Earn more money ADDING good into other people.

Oprah Winfrey became rich sharing INCREASE.

Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn. All sold a feeling.

YOU can too.

NIGHTLY live Warriors Nest calls

9:27 PM (est)

1-641-793-7000 PIN 600088#



262 510-0086

See Project Big Fish here

Get The Code


HEAR MY 24 Hr. Worldwide 1-800 Training bank = FREE

1-800-772-9781 EXT: 40

3.7 minute recorded teaching call for PROMOTERS ONLY!
